All Things In Moderation

…….. and moderation in all things .

After Dinner Snacking

Posted by Susan on November 18, 2009

One of the biggest obstacles in my weight loss journey has always been night-time snacking . I could eat well all day, have a great totally balanced [ carb., protein , and veggie]  dinner, I could even have dessert , and still  end up with the munchies by 8:00. For a longtime this bad habit derailed my efforts , and left me frustrated. I finally got a handle on it using a few strategies . If you feel those night-time munchies all too often yourself maybe one would work for you.

  • Save dessert : I do this on weekends a lot. I know I will be up later than on weekends , and I know that I will want something later on in the evening. I save my dessert until 8 or 9 and have it then, guilt free !
  • Schedule a snack for the evening : Sometimes I will lighten up my calories at an earlier meal , or skip either a morning or afternoon snack and have it after dinner . Especially if I am planning on catching up on the DVR or watching a movie . I will make some pop corn and munch away, but it is controlled and deliberate !
  • Brush your teeth : Sounds silly , but it is very effective ! For some reason when I brush my teeth it is a signal to my brain that I am done eating for the night. Every night , directly after dinner I brush my teeth !
  • Ask yourself if you are hungry, or something else : I realized that my night-time snacks were more out of habit , than actual hunger. If I am really NOT hungry , I have a hot cup of decaf. green tea, or even a 1/2 can of diet soda in a nice glass, and that helps get me past the cravings.
  • Go to bed ! : This has been my saving grace while trying to over come my night-time urge to munch. I go to bed and read. Most of the time I get involved in the book , and that takes my mind off of food. reading also makes me feel relaxed, and helps empty my mind . It makes me sleepy , and more often than not I do fall asleep. Enough sleep is an important piece of the weight loss puzzle . A little more sleep for less calories taken in is a good trade !

These are some things that work for me. What do you do when the urge to snack at night hits you ? Are there any tricks you use that help you avoid the munchies ? I am always up for suggestions !


Today , I fasted from dinner last night, until dinner tonight. I am going to try to do this from now until the Holidays , at least one day a week. With all the little extra goodies floating around from now until the New Year, I need a little extra insurance that if I choose to over indulge here and there, I won’t blow all the my progress.

I’ve also decided to make all treats this season worth it ! By this I mean , eating things I know I love, or treats that are homemade and special . There is so MUCH food and sweets that come with the season , that sometimes I find myself eating things because they are there. This year I plan to be more selective , and spend my calories like money. Only “buying” treats that I know will be worth the calories I will be spending on them . This way I don’t need to feel any regrets. I also plan on being mindful of how much I eat of the treats that are worth while. If I’ve learned anything this past year, it’s that one is just as, if not more in some cases, satisfying than eating 6 ! In most cases, just allowing myself a taste of something I love is satisfying in its self. It is very liberating to know I can have what I want, and still keep in control.


When dinner finally came around tonight I was ready for it ! I’d called Matt from work this afternoon and asked him if he would grill me a turkey burger . I had the burger on a whole grain Light  English Muffin, oven fries, and a salad with reduced fat cheese and sunflower seeds. It was sooooo good ! Especially after having fasted all day.


For dessert tonight , I had 1/4 c. of chocolate covered raisins, and a little Reese’s peanut butter cup.

Now I am off to brush my teeth and read 🙂 ! Hope you have a great night !

6 Responses to “After Dinner Snacking”

  1. bareitall said

    Hey lady. I moved over to wordpress too! It’s nice to catch up with you. How do you make it fasting? I think that would be impossible for me!

    Can I ask your help?…how do you have a blog reader on wordpress like there is one on blogger? I’m having a hard time being able to easily see who has a new post on the blogs that I follow! 🙂

  2. Foodie Girl said

    The burger looks great! I always feel like having a snack at night, so I look to popcorn or something to drink, just like you stated.

    The idea about spending your “dollars” on items you really want this holiday season is a great idea. I can start thinking of my points in that way.

  3. Melissa said

    Late night snacks are definitely my downfall also. But, like you, I try to plan for them ahead of time and most of the time it works.

  4. Drinking tea or some sugar free, low calorie whatever Hot Cocoa has been helping me out!!

    I feel the same way about the treats this season. Nothing that I can have during the year will be entering my lips! Only goodies that I know will make an appearance around the Holidays!

  5. Heidi said

    That’s one of the reasons that night time workouts work for me. I find when I exercise at night it cuts my appetite and it helps me sleep better. Though that wouldn’t work for you as you have your morning schedule (which would kill me – hahha).

    That burger looks SO good. May have to have a veggie burger later this week. I haven’t seen turkey one’s around here. There are chicken one’s, but they aren’t that great.

  6. Missy said

    Oh good ideas! I need to try the teeth brushing trick. I’ve heard that works but never given it a whirl.

    Glad you’ve found things that really work for you!

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