All Things In Moderation

…….. and moderation in all things .

Simple Sunday

Posted by Susan on February 1, 2010

My internal alarm once again woke me up at 4AM again! UGH! I did get myself to fall asleep for another 2 and 1/2 hours ! I was still up a 6:30 though. But I relaxed with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoyed the quiet house.

Then I decided to make some breakfast. Yesterday I found a recipe [on CNC of course!] for Instant Baked Pumpkin Oats. It’s made in the microwave with an instant oatmeal packet. This for me would be easier to do in a work day because of time constraints. Although I loved yesterday’s Pumpkin Baked Oats, this one made more sense for me.

It was really good! Much more cake-like than yesterday’s. I like that texture a lot ! I felt like I was eating a piece of pumpkin bread. If you don’t like a drier texture, this recipe may not be for you. I, personally love it. I added vanilla protein powder to the recipe [ 1 T.]. I also added a spoonful of chocolate peanut butter ;)! It was a delicious breakfast and it kept me full for a long time! [ BONUS!]

Once Matt got up we ventured out in the [ bitter ] cold to do the food shopping for the week. I am actually enjoying grocery shopping! I love trying to get the most for my money, and figuring out my coupons. We did a big shopping this week, so next week will be light.

When we got home from shopping it was time for a snack. I had one of my (Re)Fuel Bars and a clementine. Perfect thing to fuel me for what the next part of my day!

I planned a workout for today. I have to admit, I wasn’t really in the mood, but I did it anyway! I had a treat yesterday, so A workout will help in balancing it all out.

I did a 15 min. warm-up on the elliptical, and then took a 45 min. Spin class. I have dedicated Sundays in winter Spin Class days. In spring and summer Matt and I hike and bike on Sundays. Since the weather isn’t conducive to doing any of that in winter, I figured I’d make use of all the Spin Class DVD’s I own!

I am so glad that I chose to do the spin class. I forgot what a great workout spinning was!!!! I am going to have to add them into my routine more often. I’ll have to think about it a little ;).

After my workout , it was time for lunch. I made some nice hot soup! Progresso Classic Vegetable soup topped with some FF Parmesan cheese  and some roasted garlic humus with baby carrots! The soup really hit the spot.

I spent some time preparing for the week after lunch:

  • Baked a batch of (Re)Fuel Bars
  • Got Matt’s snacks ready for the week
  • Made both of our lunches for tomorrow
  • Made a few Breakfast Cookies for the week
  • Roasted some veggies

The remainder of my day was spent reading, hanging out, and I ended up munching on some of these! They are so good and only 160 calories for 3 cups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No guilt snacking, right up my alley! [ after reading the nutritional information more carefully I found that although these things are only 160 calories per 3 cups, 100 of those calories are from FAT! What ???? I should have known it  was too good to be true! I promptly threw the bag in the trash and took the other bag and put it out of sight in the pantry downstairs. I will either have them someday as a splurge if I want something salty, or give them to my neice when I am desperate for a snack to give her!]

For dinner tonight I had a chicken breast, mushrooms, and gnocchi sauteed in olive oil and topped with Parmesan Cheese (FF). It was really good! I also had a spinach/feta/cranberry salad.

I ended my night with a carrot cake cupcake and a cup of hot cocoa topped with a squirt of FF whipped cream ! Cocoa is becoming one of my favorite little treats. I’ve had the stuff in my panrty for a while now. I forgot about it. I am so glad I rediscovered it! It really helps keep the sweet cravings at bay!

Now I am ready to wind down and relax before starting yet another week. Have a great one!


5 Responses to “Simple Sunday”

  1. Melissa said

    I have never tried spinning…I would like to though.
    I like the Cheddar Puffcorn. So yummy every now and then.

  2. Beth Lamb said

    That puffcorn is not so bad every now and then if you just look at calories. Most of the salty snacks I won’t even consider because there isn’t enough volume. I love seeing your meal pictures! Did you post your re-fuel bar recipe anywhere?

    • Susan said

      Hey Beth,
      The recipe for the (Re)Fuel Bars is on Just type refuel bars in the search bar. They are so good, cheap to make. I will never waste my money on bars again now that I have the recipe. It can also be modified. You can be creative with it and add in nuts, chocolate chips, or whatever combinations you like. I love them!

  3. Syl said

    isn’t it funny how sometimes we go buy calories and it’s not so appealing once we really look into the ingredients, good catch on that one Susan!

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